SafeTravels Hawaii Portal

2 minutes ago

ALERT: There are NEW MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS that ONLY apply to Hawaii VISITORS.. These requirements will adversely impact your ability to access top attractions & more in Hawaii! A LOT HAS CHANGED for visitors since the pandemic. Uncertain about the changes? We suggest you choose to get the requirements, plus updates whenever enacted, by our convenient messaging service. We assure you, the simplicity & added peace-of-mind is well worth it.2

Hawaii Traveler Requirements Message Service

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2024 requirements for visitors

Below are some of the new requirements that may directly impact your stay in Hawaii. Be certain you understand all requirements prior to your arrival. SafeTravels Hawaii is here to clarify the changes with our messaging service.

Mandatory Site Reservations

All visitors are now required to have a reservation to top attractions across Hawaii. If you don’t have the right reservation at the right time, you will be DENIED access.

Entry Fees For Travelers

There are also new visitor entry fees for access to certain locations/attractions. Know before you go so you can plan accordingly and not miss out!

Short-term Rental Restrictions

During the pandemic, it became clear to locals the impact short-term housing had on their quality of life. Due to this, new restrictions may impact your stay.

Avoid Being Denied entry

 To help you avoid denied entry to top attractions and more, we at SafeTravels Hawaii re-imagined our original Covid-era Text Message Service Alerts, post pandemic.

“Reservations are now required for all out-of-state visitors – and on the first day of the new required reservations for this Hawaiian most popular site, nearly 40% showed up without one and were turned away! They were out of luck, but we knew in advance.” [SafeTravels Hawaii messaging service was a huge help in clarifying what is now necessary for visitors when trying to enter its’ epic attractions, parks and monuments!]

Aaron - May
SafeTravels Hawaii Talk 1
SafeTravels Hawaii Talk 2
“I signed up because I have friends coming from the east coast in a week and I need the information for them. [So much has changed since the start of the pandemic, it’s nearly impossible to keep up with it all across so many different websites!]
Michael H. - March

Approved activities

Choose from some of these highly-rated Hawaii activities. Many are still providing  COVID safety measures for your peace-of-mind. Get the ultimate experience with the approved Premium Hawaii Activities – offering private, once in a lifetime experiences.

As simple as text...

Uncertain about the new requirements? Choose to get the requirements, plus updated alerts - when/if enacted, by our convenient message service. We assure you, the simplicity & added peace-of-mind is well worth it. Includes our satisfaction guarantee (see Contact Us for details)

SafeTravels Hawaii airline Ohana

You can choose the airline you prefer, however the following airlines are preferred by SafeTravels Hawaii as they excel at improving your experience during this time.

There are new mandatory requirements that only apply to Hawaii visitors.. These requirements will adversely impact your ability to access top attractions & more in Hawaii! A lot has changed for visitors since the pandemic. Don’t depart uncertain about the changes and risk your dream vacation!
Back on October 15, 2020 the State of Hawaii previously required a pre-travel testing option to allow travelers an alternative to Hawaii’s mandatory 14-day quarantine. To comply prior to travel, it was required for travelers to register with the travel & health online account. The state of Hawaii only accepted covid-19 test results from trusted testing and travel partners. Travelers must have received their negative test results prior to departure. All incoming travelers were required to have their temperatures checked and a review of their completed online form before they can leave the airport.

SafeTravels Hawaii provided a valuable supplemental service that complimented & clarified all that was required (travel & health form, etc.) by the State for travelers to Hawaii. We know a lot has changed during the pandemic and it’s not easy for visitors to understand and follow everything.

This is exactly the reason we originally created and then re-imagined our text message service. Our aim is always to educate and guide travelers through the chaos imposed by the state so that they avoid pitfalls during travels. In the past we provided the publicly available steps in a more digestible format. And we only charged a small fee for our text messaging service to cover our operating costs. Isn’t your vacation worth it?
Traveling domestic onto the United States? Get everything you need from the Travel Ready Center.